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4200. John Henry LEONARD was born on 5 Jun 1862 in Providence, R.I.. He died on 3 Dec 1920 in Rhode Island.1092 He was buried in Lot #622, North Burial Ground, Bristol, R.I.. In the 1880 Census, he is listed as a telegraph clerk, 18, living withCharles W. Cross family (his sister's family). Occupation listed as clerkon birth certificate of Walter B. Leonard. He was listed as age 25 yearson the birth certificate. He is listed as two years older than hiswife, Mary Eunice Eddy, and she was born in 1864. He was listed as JohnLeonard on the certificate. The certificate is for births registered inBristol for the year ending December 31st, 1887. Birth was registered inMarch 1888. Family was listed in the 1884 Bristol Directory as livingat 155 Wood St. John was listed as working at the rubber works. Hewasn't listed in the 1887 Directory. In 1888 he was listed as acarpenter boarding at "Church, corner Hope." The family was listed asliving in East Providence in the 1900 Census, wife Mary, sons John H.,Walter, and Charles. He was listed as a "laborer - furniture" byoccupation. John H. Jr. was listed as a stenographer, Charles as anapprentice at a drug store, and Walter was still in school. He lived atC.C. Kenyon's house at Juniper, corner 8th, in East Providence in the1890 City Directory, In 1892 he lived at 6 Warren, corner Purchase. In1896 he lived at 19 Anthony; in 1898 and 1902, 685 N. Broadway. By thenext available directory, 1913, he was no longer listed in EastProvidence; and his son was boarding in Providence and working on WarrenSt., East Providence. In the 1910 Census, he was living on Power Streetin Providence with his sister, Maria F. (Leonard) Waldron and Walter andFanny Leonard. In the 1920 Census, he is listed as boarding at 6 LincolnAvenue, Cranston, working as a shipper for a furniture company. There heis listed as widowed.

Obituary: "Funeral services for John H. Leonard, a former resident ofthis town but more recently of Providence, were held yersterday at 2o'clock at the undertaking parlours of James H. Williams & Co., 4 WalnutStreet, East Providence. Rev. Royal W. Brown of the Haven MethodistChurch officiated. The bearers were John and Charles Leonard, FrederickCross, and James Leonard. Burial was at the North Cemetery in Bristol.Mr. Leonard was in his 55th year. He was born in Providence, the son ofJohn and Anne Peabody Leonard. For a number of years, he lived in EastProvidence. He was a shipping clerk in the furniture department of TheOutlet Company (R.I.'s largest department store at that time - took up awhole city block on Westminister St. in Providence) for many years andwas connected with that firm at the time of his death. He leaves 3sons." (He died December 3rd; funeral was December 5th).

Death in Rhode Island AC/VR December 3, 1920. Listed John H. and Ann E.as parents, as well as his birth date.

John H. Leonard is buried in #622 Old North Burial Ground, Bristol, aplot shared with his father and mother, his brother Walter B, and severalbrothers and sisters who died as children. His wife, Mary Healey, hisson John H. Leonard, Jr., his son's wife Lillian Horsfield, and hisgrandson Arthur H. are in burial plot #979 in Old North Burial Ground,Bristol, NNE of #979 about 100 yards.

At some point, he and Mary Eddy were divorced, but a record of thedivorce has not been found. Mary apparently married a ? Healey, but norecord of that marriage has been found, and not knowing his full name,his fate remains unknown.

Just a note: There were three John H. Leonards in Rhode Island in thelate 1800's -- John H. who married Frances Luther August 22, 1871, wasone, and the second was married to Almira Worthington. There were noLeonards listed in the 1876 Bristol City Directory. There was a John H.Leonard, 66, living with wife, Margaret, 33, living on Broadway, Norwich,CT, in the 1930 Census. Family included a step son, Frank Caskey, 13,born in CT. John's parents were born in CT, according to the Census.There was no brother, Martin Leonard, sometimes associated with thefamily by some genealogists. Martin, who died ca. 1918, was the son ofIrish parents John and Mary Leonard.

John Henry LEONARD and Mary Eunice EDDY were married on 28 Aug 1881 in Bristol, RI.1093 Mary Eunice EDDY (daughter of Charles Dyer EDDY and Sarah Martin BENNETT) was born on 8 Feb 1864 in Bristol, RI. She died on 16 Sep 1947 in Cranston, RI. She was buried in Lot #979, North Burial Ground, Bristol, RI. She bought Burial Lot No. 979 in North Burial Ground, Bristol, on October7, 1907. She is listed as Mary E. Healey as of that date. I have anenvelope addressed to her at 88 Ford Street, Providence, R.I. (1907?).Her marriage to John H. Leonard August 28, 1881, in Bristol, R.I.verified in R.I. AC/VR. I have not found evidence that she and he weredivorced, nor have I found Healey's first name. There was a John Healeyliving on Water Street in East Providence in 1888 with his son, John F.The stone reads: LEONARD, 1882 John H. 1938, 1906 Arthur H. 1956, 1864Mary E. Healey, 1901 Lillian R. Horsfeld 1991." Lillian was ArthurLeonard's wife.

Her obituary listed a sister, Grace Dyer Eddy Siegel, of Bristol, R.I.She was survived by her son, Walter Bradford Leonard, seven grandchildren(5 by John, 2 by Walter), and several great grandchildren.

In the 1880 Census, she was living with her parents and two sisters inDistrict 67, Bristol. She was working at the rubber works.

In the 1920 Census, she is listed as living with her son, Charles, inEast Providence, along with a boarder, Charles E. Weeks, in EastProvidence. In the 1930 Census, she is listed as living at 144 LaurenceStreet in Cranston, with Charles E. Weeks, 67, lodging there. Mygrandfather, Walter, used to refer to his mother's "star boarder," andthat must have been Weeks. Weeks was a prominent Mason, and as a boy, Iwas given several of his medals. Weeks was from CT. Neither wereemployed in 1930 according to the 1930 Census. My uncle Owen Leonard hascomplained about living in the unheated attic of this house about thattime, when his father lost his job at American Emery and the family hadto rent their home at 148 Grace Street to others.

She lived with her son, Walter B. Leonard, in the unheated sun room at148 Grace Street during the last years of her life (1946-47). I rememberher as a sweet old lady who talked about her youth in Bristol and liked"wine berries," which we had growing in our yard in Little Compton and(as I later discovered) grow wild along the roadsides in Bristol.

She is listed in the Eddy Genealogy, # 6429. A Eunice C. Dyer, 1833 toDecember 10, 1910, is also buried in BR001 - North Burial Ground,Bristol. Eunice G. Dyer was Mary Eunice Eddy's grandmother.
John Henry LEONARD and Mary Eunice EDDY had the following children:



John Henry LEONARD.



Charles Eddy LEONARD.



Walter Bradford LEONARD.