Tenth Generation

476. Owen Dodge LEONARD was born on 16 May 1922 in Providence, RI.130 He died on 10 December 2008 at the age of 86 in Scituate, RI. Owen played the saxophone in high school. He held a variety of jobs as a youth, including working as a floor walker for Cherry & Webb in Providence. He was a salesman for Narragansett Brewery for many years until the firm was sold. He was named their outstanding salesman in 1965. The family lived at 102 Normandy Drive in Oaklawn during the 1950's and 1960's. He and Jean moved to Florida for a year or so in the late 1960's, didn't like it, and moved back to their home at 15 Colonial Road in N. Scituate, RI. He also worked as a consumer advocate in the RI Attorney General's office in the 1970's and later for the RI National Guard before retiring in 1991.

Living (private).

Owen Dodge LEONARD and Living had the following children:



Living (private).