Ninth Generation

5644. Howard Ray LEONARD3975 was born on 27 January 1859 in Calais, Washington County, VT. He died on 12 October 1934 at the age of 75 in Washington, VT.

Howard Ray LEONARD and Jennet Caroline "Jennie" CLIFFORD were married on 24 June 1882 in East Calais, VT. Jennet Caroline "Jennie" CLIFFORD, daughter of Willard AUSTIN, was born on 6 August 1860 in Woodbury, VT. She died on 9 January 1927 at the age of 66.

Howard Ray LEONARD and Jennet Caroline "Jennie" CLIFFORD had the following children:



Mabel Rich LEONARD.



Joseph Ray LEONARD.



Earl Howard LEONARD.



Maud Florence LEONARD.



Marion Dolly LEONARD.



Harlan Ralph LEONARD3976 was born on 14 March 1900 in East Calais, Washington Co., VT. He died on 18 March 1900 at the age of 0 in East Calais, Washington Co., VT.